The CANopen miniature pressure transmitter CMP is based on Trafag's proprietary thin-film-on-steel technology that offers high accuracy and long-term stability even in harsh environments. Trafag AG has released the CMP 8271 pressure transmitter that implements the CiA 404 CANopen device profile for measuring devices. Sensor variants are available for relative and absolute pressure measurements from 0.25 bar to 700 bar with a resolution of 0.01 %. The all-welded sensor system without additional seals uses the thin-film-on-steel measurement principle. The given shock (up to 100 g) and vibration (up to 50 g) resistance and the operating temperature of -40 °C to +125 °C make the device is suitable for harsh environments in demanding applications including (mobile) hydraulics, engine construction, test benches, etc.
The device supports CAN bitrates from 10 kbit/s to 1 Mbit/s with automatic bitrate detection and 11-bit and 29-bit CAN Identifier. Saving parameters for CANopen communication and application parameters as well as flash update are available. The transmitter can produce an emergency message. It also supports a self-starting function according to the CiA 302 CANopen framework for additional application layers. Through the implemented LSS (layer setting services) according to CiA 305, the node ID and bit rate of the device can be configured via the CANopen network.
The device implements the CiA 404 CANopen device profile for measuring devices and closed-loop controllers. The measurement and transmission frequency can be as high as 1 kHz. Size-selectable physical units such as bar, Pa, psi, mmHg, mmWC, atm, at, °C, °F and K are selectable. Four pressure and four temperature thresholds can be defined. Furthermore, the auto-zero function is implemented. The two available TPDOs (Transmit Process Data Objects) can be triggered by an event or a timer and transmitted cyclically. The implemented SDO server makes it possible to read/write the device's CANopen object dictionary parameters. The manufacturer also supplies the CMP 8270 specifically for measuring ranges up to 600 bar.