We serve to top industrial companies with the best solutions in instrumentation, and we helpthem to identify the instrument that best suit their needs.
With a wide catalog of instrumentation for panel meters, signalconverters and large displays, FEMA is your trusted partner for your industry instrumentation needs.
We serve to top industrial companies with quality instrumentation forautomation applications. We provide best quality in signal acquisition,conversion and circuit isolation for analog signals and digital applications.
Our design and manufacturing processes are applied with the firmconviction that they are warranty of a strong and reliable instrument.Our quality control and product development processes are focused onputting up a product that is strong, trustworthy and easy to use.
The reliability and the strength of our instruments allow us to export ourproducts around the world, through an extensive network of sales partnersand associated customers.
With an experience of more than 50 years in the market, our productsand services are recognized by our customers with their confidenceand trust, but also by external organizations, achieving our first OfficialISO9001 quality certificate back in 1999, and the Best Export Award fromthe Chamber of Industrial Trade of Sabadell, back in 1993.